my workout diet

Standing High to Low Cable Fly: Exercise Guide & Tips

High To Low Cable Fly | My Workout Diet

Sit-Ups | Weight-Loss | Deadlift | Cardio | Hamstrings | Chest

Want to really work those lower chest muscles? Try the Standing High to Low Cable Fly. This exercise hits the pecs in a way that regular chest flies can’t. Instead of keeping your arms out in front like a dumbbell fly, you start with the cables pulled up overhead. As you bring your arms down and across your body, you’ll feel it big time in the outer, lower portion of your chest.

The overhead position really stretches out the pec muscles at the bottom. Then as you lower the cables, you get a seriously deep contraction in that area. By moving through this full range of motion with constant tension on the cables, you’re giving those lower pecs a brutal workout. It’s an awesome addition to chest day if you want to add some size and definition to the often overlooked lower chest. Despite its simple movement, this fly variation can totally burn out your pecs when done properly.

High To Low Cable Fly Muscles Worked

High To Low Cable Fly | My Workout Diet

This High to Low Cable Fly exercise really nails your lower chest muscles, also known as the sternal head of the pectoralis major. By starting with your arms up overhead, you’re stretching out these lower pec fibers fully. Then as you bring the cables down across your body, those lower chest muscles have to contract hard.

You’ll feel this moment a ton in the outer sweep of your pecs right where they tie into your shoulders. It’s a great way to hit this area that regular bench presses and flyes can sometimes miss.

But your chest isn’t the only muscle working during the High to Low Cable Fly. This movement also engages your shoulder and arm muscles like the front delts and biceps to assist with the motion. Your core has to stay tight too to avoid twisting at the torso. With the unique pulling angle of the cables, the High to Low Cable Fly is hitting your chest from multiple directions for full development of all the pec heads.

How To Perform This Exercise With Steps

  1. Set the cable pulley to about head height and grab the handles.
  2. Stand facing the pulley with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  3. With a slight bend in the elbows, raise the cables overhead until your arms are extended.
  4. Exhale and Initiate the movement by bringing your arms down and across your body in an arc.
  5. Squeeze your pecs at the bottom of the movement when your hands meet in front.
  6. Inhale, and control the motion back to the starting overhead position and repeat.

Some Tips For Performing High To Low Cable Fly

  • Keep your core braced throughout the movement to avoid arching your lower back or twisting at the waist.
  • Slightly lean back from the hips as you bring the cables down to better engage the pecs.
  • Go slow and focus on squeezing the cables together at the bottom of the movement for a peak contraction.
  • Don’t let your arms travel across your body too far – stop when your hands meet in front of your chest.
  • Vary your grip between a neutral and semi-pronated (palms facing in) position to hit the pecs slightly differently.
  • For added stretch, raise the cables as high as is comfortable overhead on each rep.
  • Stay in control and don’t use momentum – let the cables pull you back to the start for a tougher eccentric contraction.
  • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly to create a stable base.
  • Focus on squeezing and flexing the pecs at each end of the movement to maximize activation.

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