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How Get A Six Pack | Top 15 Core Workouts For At Home

how get a six pack

A flat abdominal is the goal of every individual. Everyday there are millions of searches about new diets, how get a six pack, ab workout from home, exercise equipments for losing belly fat and achieving six abs. But, losing belly fat and working the abs is not only about looking fit and sexy , it’s about being healthy. Having belly fat is seriously harmful, it indicates the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Losing belly fat lowers the risk of many diseases and the conditions that shorten your life. Losing belly fat makes you look great and will better about yourself. Excess belly fat damages your liver, increases insulin resistance and the risk of dementia.

Why Did My Stomach Get Bigger All Of A Sudden ?

Having excess belly fat increase the risk of above health problems and it makes your look unfit. Here are some reasons why people getting belly fat.

  • Seated lifestyle: One’s activity level plays a major role in gathering of belly fat. A study shows that people who do physical work or perform some activities daily are able to prevent belly fat, while those who are not able to perform physical activities for any reason faced increase in belly fat.
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol is responsible for bloating individual have on the body or alcohol is the responsible for sudden belly fat gain. Consuming alcohol high in sugar can quickly lean in weight gain. Alcohol affects digestion and nutrition uptake, it can cause stress on stomach and leads to decrease in digestive recreation which is responsible for break down food into macro and micronutrients that are absorbed and used by body. 
  • Sugary food and drinks: Studies shows that food and drinks containing sugar directly linked with belly fat. This is because of more refined sugar added during processing. Extra sugar is responsible for your weight gain. Overweight increases the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities etc.
  • Stress: Many people have cortisol problem which is known as stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands in stressful condition. Now understand how stress drives – Overeating causes stress, it cause the excess calories to be stored in the belly.
  • Genetics. Genes also plays important role in overweighting. Genetics makes the body responsible for storing fat in abdominal areas.

Abs Workout For Six Pack

1.) Hanging leg raise

Hanging-leg-raises | how get a six pack |

How to do it :

1.) First grab the bar with your hands with shoulders width apart using overhand grip. Position your feet so that the sole of your shoe facing parallel with the floor by extending your legs straight downward. This will be your starting position.

2.) Tightening your core and keeping your knees straight, slowly raise your legs to the level where you can keep good for but challenging. Try to keep your legs straight at 90 degree, parallel to the ground. Keep in mind to exhale while lifting your legs off the floor and inhale while bringing them back to the staring position.

3.) Inhale and keeping your core tight and engaging your thigh muscles, slowly and in controlled form bring your legs back to the starting position. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.


Perform this exercise carefully and slowly as it take time getting used to it. You should not perform this abs workout, if you have any back injury. First consult your physician before beginning this six pack exercise. Keep you legs and back straight for more focus on your abs. Avoid using weight until you become capable of performing this abs exercise in proper form. Also avoid swinging and using momentum in order to get additional reps. These movements leads to serious injuries. End the sets when you feel you might break the form

Reps – Do as many reps you can perform with proper form.

2.) Abs plank

Abs-plank | weights for abs workout |

How to do it :

1.) It’s a good idea to do this abs exercise on a mat, which will slightly cushion your hands. Doing it on a hard surface may be hard on your elbows and forearms. Stretch out your arms and legs a bit to get ready by facing the mat.

2.) Get started in this plank position, place your elbows directly under the shoulders and face down with your palms and forearms touching the floor. Your hands should be facing forward.

3.) Engage you abdominal muscles, drawing your belly button toward the spine. Squeeze your glutes , contract your lower back and keep your torso straight from head to your elbows. Ensure that your shoulder are down and keep your face down toward the floor, this will help to keep your neck in neutral position.

4.) If you are beginner to this abs exercise try to hold this position for 10 seconds. Over a time when you become capable of holding good posture then you can perform it for 20 , 40 , 60 seconds or more as much your body allows.


Avoid moving your head up , it will strain your neck. Your neck should be straight in line with your body. Keep looking at the floor. Keeping your back straight, avoid arching. Your ab muscles will no more engage if you arch your back. More weight will be loaded on your elbows. If your hips are sagging, this is the sign to end your plank. But if your hips are shrinking from the beginning then keep tour toes little bit wider and remember to keep your shoulders down and wide.

Reps – You should hold plank position for at least 60 seconds or more as much your body allows.

3.) Abdominal curl ups

Abdominal-curl-ups | ab workout for at home |

How to do it :

1.) Start this abs exercise by lying on the mat with face upward. Relax your body by extending your legs with sole facing forward and arms to the sides.

2.) Now bend your legs upward by moving your foots slightly back with sole of your foot touching the floor. Place your hands on both back sides of your ears. This will be your starting position.

3.) Contract your abdominal muscles by curling your upper body towards your knees. Your shoulders should be at 30 degree from the floor. Focus only on your abdominal muscles , use only your stomach for curling upward. All other body parts like arms , neck , legs etc should remain relaxed.

4.) Pause for a one second at the top contracted position. After holding for a second slowly lower down your upper body by engaging your abdominal muscles. Lower down until your back moves in the starting position.


Do not perform over repetitions, it will lead to lower back injury. Beginners should start with 10-15 repetitions then should increase over a time. A minimum of 2 – 3 days rest is necessary for the spinal tissue and intervertebral discs recovery. This abs workout should not be done without proper warming up your body in order to decrease the risk of injury. Also avoid putting your hands behind your heads and pulling the neck to avoid any neck injury. First consult your physician before beginning this exercise program.

Reps – 20-30 reps per 3 sets.

4.) Ab roller workout

Ab roller workout | causes of excess belly fat |

How to do it :

1.) Start this exercise by lying on the plan floor with face towards the floor and knees touching the floor. Grab the roller and place under your face. Your foots should be pointed backward with sole upward in the air. This will be your starting position.

2.) Grip the handles by extending your arms. Then with straight arms and back move the roller forward or away from you. Go far as your body allows, keeping the ability to return into the starting position.

3.) Hold for a second in extended position and then maintaining your body posture return to the starting position. keep in mind to exhale while extending your body forward and inhale while returning.


To avoid any injury, keep your body stable while performing this exercise. Keep strength in your arms and knees for a tighten roller. Keep your back straight and engage your abdominal muscles while performing this exercise in order to prevent back injury. As forward you go, more abdominal muscles will be targeted. But for beginners start with easy short and over a time you can increase the lenght. Breathing is very important while performing this exercise, exhale while extending your body forward and inhale while brining back.

Reps – 10-15 reps of 3 sets.

5.) Lying toe touch

Lying-toe-touch | abs workouts in gym |

How to do it :

1.) Start this abs exercise by lying on the mat with face upward. Relax your body by extending your legs with sole facing forward and arms to the sides.

2.) In curl exercise you need to put your hands to the back of your ears, but for adding difficulty this exercise you should try. For this exercise lift your legs up at 90 degree.

3.) Now lift your both arms straight upward parallel to the legs and by lifting your upper body try to touch your toes with you hands, same as we done in curl exercise.

4.) Hold for a 3-4 seconds at top contracted position for adding more difficulty. After holding slowly lower your upper body in the starting position.


Don’t use swinging and momentum, it leads to serious back injury. If you are a beginner, first consult your physician before beginning this abs exercise. A minimum of 2 – 3 days rest is necessary for the spinal tissue and intervertebral discs recovery. Proper workout should be done before begging this abs workout. Breathing is very necessary exhale while raising you upper back upward and inhale while bringing back to the starting position.

Reps- 3-4 sets of 15-16 reps.

6.) Seated Russian Twist Medical Ball

best abs workouts | six pack abs best workout |

How to do it :

1.) Sit on the mat with your knees bent , feet sole facing forward , heels touching the mat or raise in air for adding more difficulty. If you have difficulty holding the position , then place your feet under dumbbells or ask your helper to stand on your feet.

2.) Rise your upper body from the floor and sit about 45 degree angle by contracting your abs.

3.) Hold the medicine ball with your both hands in front of you. This will be your starting position.

4.) Contracting your abs, twist the medicine ball to the left side and touch the medicine ball to the floor. Pause the position for a second.

5.) Then smoothly back to the starting position by engaging your abs. Twist the medicine ball to the another side for touching the floor. Then again twist to the starting point for another rep.

6.) Repeat this motion until you feel the pain in your abdominal area.


Don’t raise your feet from the floor, it will be more difficult for performing the exercise. A lot stress on your lumber vertebrae will be created, if your form is not perfect. Keep your lower back straight, avoid rounding your back. A lot of twisting would become pain for your lower back. Breathing is very important while performing any abs exercise, be sure to breathe in and out throughout the exercise. Don’t perform this exercise if you have lower back injury.

Reps – 2 sets of 20-30 reps each.

7.) Criss cross

Criss-cross | ab workout for at home |

How to do it :

1.) Start this abs exercise by lying on the mat with face upward. Relax your body by extending your legs with sole facing forward and arms to the sides.

2.) Bend your knees and raise upward until your shins become parallel to the floor. Place your hands on both back sides of your ears. This will be your starting position.

3.) Contracting the abdominal muscles, Exhale and then bring your left leg towards right shoulder and touch your left leg knee with right arm elbow by raising your shoulder.

4.) Then return to the starting position and then same movement with other opposite sides. Repeat this motion for desired number of times.


Keep your pelvis stable and neutral as you rotate the spine. Don’t raise your shoulder too much that your back also raise with your shoulders. Keep your back straight and engage your abdominal muscles while performing this exercise in order to prevent back injury. This abs workout should not be done without proper warming up your body in order to decrease the risk of injury. Keep in mind not to pull your neck by placing your hands to the back of your ears, it will lead to neck injury.

Reps – 3 sets of 20 reps each.

8.) Rope-jumping

Rope-jumping | core workouts for at home |

How to do it :

1.) First choose a rope according to your height, for this get a rope and fold it from centre means join both ends and then measure it from your feet to the head, if the length is at shoulder level then this will be enough to comfortably jump the rope.

2.) After that hold the handles in your both hands to the sides of your torso and then extend your hands at least a foot apart from the sides f your torso. Place the centre of rope behind your feet. This will be your starting position.

3.) Step on your tiptoes and while bringing the rope to the front, push off with your tiptoes.

4.) Repeat this motion for desire number of repetitions.


Proper warm up should be done before beginning this abs exercise. The surface should be plan to avoid any imbalance and ankle injury. Wear the sports shoes that supports your ankle and prevent injuries. If your shoes are causing pain, then change your shoes. Frequency should be according to individuals, if your are beginner to this exercise, then perform it slowly and carefully. Keep your form stable and proper to prevent any injury.

Reps – 15-20 minutes are enough.

9.) Box-jumping

Box-Jumping | causes of excess belly fat | myworkoutdiet

How to do it :

1.) Choose any box on that you are sure that you can jump. Stand with the box, a step sway with your feet a shoulder-width apart.

2.) Bend your knees to get into squat position with hands placed in front of your face.

3.) Push with your thighs and feet to jump on the box, allowing your arms to swing in front of you. Land safely on the box by stabling your body.

4.) Then step back and jump off the box to the starting position.


Choose a box with which you’re comfortable means not having so much height. Jumping off the box is dangerous for ankles injury etc. Make sure that your both feet should touch the ground. Perform full hip extensions, avoid half range of motion. Box should be placed such way that when you jump on the box, it should remain stable. Otherwise it lead you serious injury.

Reps – 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

10.) Mountain-climber

Mountain-climber | how get a six pack |

How to do it :

1.) First get into plank position and distribute weight equally on your hands and toe tips.

2.) Proper form is very important, your hands should be shoulder width apart, abs engage , face in alignment with back and back should be flat.

3.) Contracting the abdominal muscles, Exhale and then bring your left leg towards right shoulder and touch your left leg knee with chest-right side.

4.) Then return to the starting position and bring another leg with same movement in order to touch other side of chest.

5.) Repeat this movement for desire number of repetitions.


Don’t perform this exercise if you have any type of injury like back, shoulder and leg etc. First consult your physician before beginning this abs exercise. Make sure to keep your back straight and face forward throughout the exercise. Avoid half range repetitions, perform full range of motion by touching leg knee with your chest. Don’t hit your toe so hard with the ground. Abs should be engage throughout the workout for proper hitting the targeted muscles.

Reps – 3-4 sets of 20-30 reps.

11.) Donkey Kick Abs Workout

Donkey-Kick-Abs-Workout | abs 8 min workout | myworkoutdiet

How to do it :

1.) First get into plank position and distribute weight equally on your hands and shins touching the floor.

2.) Proper form is very important, your hands should be shoulder width apart, abs engage , face forward with neck up and back should be flat with small arch.

3.) Contracting the abdominal muscles, Exhale and kick with one of your leg upward, use your glute to press and squeeze at the top for a second. Your pelvis and working hip should be pointed towards the ground.

4.) Then slowly bring your leg to the starting position and perform same movement with other leg.

5.) Repeat this range of motion for desired number of repetitions.


Don’t hit your knee so hard with the floor while bringing your leg to the starting position. Maintain your posture throughout the workout by keeping your back straight , face forward and hands and shoulder width apart. Breathing is very important, exhale while kicking back and inhale while bringing leg to the starting position. Proper stretching should be done before beginning this exercise..

Reps – 3 sets of 20 repetitions each leg.

12.) Cat cow pose

Cat-cow-pose | the best abs workouts |myworkoutdiet

How to do it :

1.) First get into plank position and distribute weight equally on your hands and shins touching the floor.

2.) Proper form is very important, your hands should be shoulder width apart, abs engage , face towards floor with neck down and back should be flat with neutral spine. This will be your starting position.

3.) Exhale and get into cat pose by rounding your back outward and drawing your pubic bone forward.

4.) Then inhale and slowly bring your back to the starting position.

5.) Perform this range of motion for desired number of repetitions.


Don’t hit your back while performing this exercise, perform each rep slow and steady. Keep your neck with align to your torso if you have neck injury. Use blanket if you feel your knees uncomfortable. Pregnant women should not perform this exercise. Place your forearms instead of your wrists if having wrist injury. Do not perform this exercise after eating anything.

Reps – 3 sets of 20 – 25 reps.

13.) Side plank leg lift

Side-plank-leg-lift | ab workout from home |

How to do it :

1.) Start with plank position and move your body to the one side and distribute the weight equally on one hand and one toe side. For making it more hard lift your other arm straight upward at 90 degree.

2.) Exhale and by engaging your abs raise you other let off the floor until its at your shoulder level. Pause for a second and feel the burn.

3.) Then slowly lower your leg to the starting position and perform same movements with other side.

4.) Reps this range of motion until your muscles started burning.


Don’t perform this exercise if you have wrist, elbow back and leg exercise. First consult your physician before beginning this exercise. In this exercise there are more chances of wrist injury because the whole body weight is handled with one hand, so be careful. Avoid performing half range of motion, raise your leg until your inners thighs fully stretched.

Reps – 3 sets of 15 reps each side.

14.) Rotating toe touching

Rotating-toe-touching | ab workout for at home |

How to do it :

1.) First stand straight with your feet wider than the shoulder width and arms stretched out at the shoulder level. This will be your starting position.

2.) Exhale and try to touch right arm towards the left ankle. Make sure sure legs should remain straight during this movement and try to touch your chest with leg knee.

3.) After touching ankle, inhale and return to the starting position and perform same motion to the other side.

4.) Repeat this range of motion until you feel pain in your lower back and abdominal area.


Don’t perform this abs exercise at least 4-5 hours after eating anything. Always perform these types of exercises with empty stomach. Standing toe touch is more better than sitting toe touch because in sitting toe touch there are more chances of lower back pain. Don’t go hard to touch the ankles, bend your body according to your capability. Over a time when your body become flexible then you can go more deep. If you have any back injury then skip this exercise. Pregnant women should not perform this exercise.

Reps – 3-4 sets of 20 reps each side.

15.) Stability ball crunch

Yoga-ball | the best abs workouts |

How to do it :

1.) Let’s start this exercise by placing yoga ball under your lower back and keep your feet on the floor , face upward , hands placed behind the ears and feet placed hip-width apart. Relax your whole body. This will be your starting position.

2.) Engage your core , tighten glutes and slowly raise upper body by raising your upper lats from the yoga ball, tucking your chest into abdominal muscles.

3.) Then slowly return to the starting position with same movement.


Stability in this abs exercise is very important for proper building of targeted muscles. Don’t place your hands behind your neck, it lead to neck injury when your raise your upper body from the yoga ball. It is recommended to place your hands behind your ears. Perform every rep slow and steady for proper hitting the targeting muscle.

Reps – Perform reps until you feel pain in your abdominal.

How can I get a 6 pack fast?

Proper diet and exercise is very important to get 6 pack fast. Your diet should contain low fat and high protein food.

Here are some exercise for getting 6 abs :

1. Hanging leg raise
2. Abs plank
3. Abdominal curl ups
4. Ab roller workout
5. Lying toe touch
6. Seated Russian Twist Medical Ball
7. Criss cross
8. Rope-jumping
9. Box-jumping
10. Donkey Kick Abs Workout

What foods help a six-pack?

Here are some foods help you building six pack :

1. Meats
2. Fish
3. Eggs
4. Legumes
5. Dairy products
6. High fibre cereal
7. Chickpeas
8. Tofu
9. Apple cider vinegar
10. Soy

Can running give you abs?

Running is the best exercise for losing bely fat and getting six abs. You should perform 15-20 reps of 100m sprints, with 40 seconds of water break between every sprints.

What to avoid eating to get abs?

Avoid these types of foods for getting abs :

1. Sugary food and drinks
2. Ice cream
3. Chips
4. Fatty red meat
5. Fast-food
6. Beer

How long does it take to build abs?

Losing belly fat and building abs is not easy because it has higher amount of fat cells, for which it is very difficult to break-down the fat around belly areas. But it totally depends on your dedication to your cardio and diet. If you are performing hard-core cardio exercises and taking proper diet, then you will be able to get results within a month.

Can you get abs from laughing?

It depends on your weight and how intense you are laughing, it is determined that 20 minutes of laugh helps in burning 20 and 50 calories.

Can I do abs everyday?

No, because abs need time to recover if you are doing intense exercise, if your want six packs fast then give at least a full day of rest for recovery of muscles before performing the same exercise. Performing abs exercise everyday lead to lower back injury.

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