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10 Best Workouts For Bicep

Bicep-Workouts | Top 10 killer Bicep workouts | Biceps exercises |

There are thousands of searches every day about best workouts for bicep, but before discussing these bicep exercises we should first understand about functioning of biceps, where it is situated ? etc.

The bicep is a large muscle situated on the upper arm between shoulder and elbow. The bicep includes a short head and long head that works as a single muscle. The long head is located on the lateral side of the bicep brachii while the short head is located on the medial side. The bicep is join to the arm bones by intense connective tissues called ligaments. The ligaments that connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint in two spots are known as the proximal biceps ligaments. The ligament that attaches the biceps muscle to the forearm bones (range and ulna) is known as the distal biceps ligament.

10 best workouts for bicep |
workouts for bicep

As the heads stretch out descending toward the elbow, they rotate 90 degrees and join to a rough projection just underneath the neck of the radius called the spiral tuberosity. Of the other three muscles that make up the upper arm, the biceps is the main one to cross two joints: the elbow joint and the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. In spite of’s thought process, the bicep isn’t the most powerful flexor of the lower arm. Although the bicep is the most prominent muscle of the upper arm, it serves to help and balance out the more profound (and more grounded) brachialis muscle while lifting or bringing down the lower arm.

As the bicep muscle contracts, it can do one of two things (or both together):

  • Help the brachialis in the flexions (lifting) off the lower arm.
  • Help the supinator muscle (what begins at the external elbow and finishes at the internal wrist) in pivoting the lower arm up.

Although the supination of the lower arm includes the biceps, pronation (where the palm is rotated toward the ground) is worked with by the brachialis and corresponding pronator muscles.

The biceps likewise helps with arm developments at the glenohumeral joint, including forward flexion (lifting the whole arm forward), abduction (opening the arm aside), and adduction (collapsing the arm across the body).

The little top of the biceps is significant in balancing out the scapula, permitting us to convey heavy weights when the arm is in a stretched out descending position. Now make an look on 10 greatest bicep exercises of all time.

The Ultimate Workouts For Bicep

1.) EZ-bar curl

Ez-barbell-curl | 10 Best Workouts For Bicep |

1.) Starting position. Stand up straight while holding an EZ curl bar at the wide outer hand , slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be facing forward and slightly inward due to the shape of bar. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

2.) Bringing up the bar. Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your biceps. Continue to raise until the bar is at shoulder level and biceps fully contracted .

3.) Holding the bar up. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Bringing down the bar. After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Fully extend your lower arms to increase strength.

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of EZ – barbell curl

Most of the people feels more comfortable when using EZ-curl bar for biceps. By using this bar your wrist and forearms are in more neutral position. With an EZ curl bar , biceps activation is 100% if you use proper form. EZ arm curls targets all your bicep muscles, other muscles are involved including brachialis and brachioradialis which also cross your elbow and help your biceps to flex your elbow. You get better balance when the bar is loaded with weight other than the straight bar.

Using straight bar hits your biceps harder, but if you use it place more stress on elbows and wrists. But using EZ curl bar gives your wrists a break while still giving you the benefits of working your biceps harder with straight bar. You can use EZ bar for other exercises as well, including upright rows, overhead extension, preacher curl , curls using a reverse grip. This bicep exercises helps you to build bigger biceps.


It is very important to perform all any exercise with proper form. Be sure to keep the body in neutral alignment and perform the Ez-bar curl with full range of motion to get bigger biceps. However, restricting the range of motion does not provide tension under stretch , so start with fully extended arm and curl with no elbow movement. Probably the most common mistake of barbell curl is swinging and cheating.

Using swinging and momentum you will be able to lift the weight but will not activates the biceps. Use only bicep to lift the barbell without back and hip movement. Grip width is very important to feel the bicep more. It varies from one person to another. Experiment it and see what is better for you.

2.)  Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Biceps Curl | 10 Best Workouts For Bicep |

1.) Starting position. Stand up straight while holding Dumbbells with your arms fully extended , slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be facing forward. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

2.) Lift Right arm dumbbell . Keeping your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weight forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your bicep. Continue to raise until the dumbbell is at shoulder level and bicep fully contracted . While lifting with right arm your left arm should be rest in extended position. 

3.) Holding dumbbell up. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Lift Left arm dumbbell .  After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower dumbbell back to the starting position. When your right arm came to its starting position then lift your left arm and lift the dumbbell in same way (as the right arm) . 

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Dumbbell Biceps Curl

biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curlsbiceps curls biceps curls biceps curls biceps curls

This is a great bicep exercises with dumbbells, with this Biceps workout you get more muscle definition. By using dumbbell biceps curls, small muscle of biceps are instantly affected , thereby cutting down the fat in upper arms. Dumbbells are consider better in full movement of arm because it allows the arm to extend in full motion and it work on lower half of arm , affecting the forearms muscles as well. Full-arm movement is effective even during negative movement. Sitting dumbbell biceps curls are more severe and advanced, and add strength to the arms. Strengthening the arm helps to perform other exercises as well like , preacher curl , bench press , shoulder press etc.

Dumbbell biceps curls helps to perform more repetition , it makes the movement easy that directly impact the bicep without losing energy. You may noticed while performing dumbbell curls our core engaged and strengthening the abdominals in the process. This is the best bicep exercises for big biceps.


Probably the most common mistake of barbell curl is swinging and cheating. Keep in mind not to lift to heavier than your capability, as if affects your posture and form and you will not able to activate bicep muscle. Use only bicep to lift the dumbbell without back and hip .

Heavier weight can make your movement unstable and put additional strain on your elbows. Right weights helps in progression and results. Avoid rapid execution at the starting of exercise , make sure you are doing your reps slow and steady that will help you to get bigger bicep size . It is very important to keep your elbows steady while doing bicep curls. Keep your elbows close on the side of your body and allow only movement of lower arm. Do not train your biceps daily.

3.) Preacher Curl

Preacher-Curl | bicep exercises  |

1.) Starting position. Sit on the preacher , adjust the seat height so your upper arms and chest be in contact with the arm pad. There should be a slight bend in your elbows. Maintain a neutral position and strong grip. All repetitions should done in this position.

2.) Bringing up the bar. Lean forward and grip the EZ bar, which should be placed in front of you , with an underhand grip. Your chin remain tucked throughout the movement . 

3.) Performing Repetitions. While keeping your arms in contact with the arm pad , lift the Ez- bar upward movement squeezing your bicep and bending your elbows. Continue to lift until it reached the shoulder level.

4.) Bringing down the bar.  Your upper arms should be in contact with the pad the entire exercise. Finish the movement by squeezing your biceps. Slowly straighten your  elbows to lower the bar to the starting position.

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Preacher Curl

Having your arms resting on stable surface means there is no chance for swinging and no momentum will be generated to lift the wight up. The preacher curl provides us great opportunity for control over the movement. You may feel hard to lift weight in preacher curl rather than in standing curl – the reason behind it is that in standing curl you take the help of hip and back in lifting weight , but in preacher there is no chance of using your hip and back that’s why you are able to get better pump in preacher curl. The control that preacher curl provides means that more load is placed on your bicep.

The position of your arm in this biceps workouts does not allow other muscle for the help. The stability of preacher curl allows you to enhance growth and strength through your bicep. 


Don’t allow your wrists to bend, it lead to cause serious injury. Adjust the seat height before beginning the bicep exercises according to your need. If the seat height is not proper then there is a chance for swinging and momentum is generated to lift the wight up which can cause serious shoulder , elbow injury. So, your body needs to be stable throughout the exercise. Mean that your feet fully solid and flat on the floor. Your shoulders and torso not be moving at all throughout the exercise. Furthermore, working off of that, you likewise need to go through the full rang of movement.

The preacher curl already forces you to put focus on the movement, yet that doesn’t mean you can hold back on going through the full reach. This means ensuring that the loads are completely brought down before pausing and coming back . However, you also need to stop just before your elbows lock-out at the base.

4.) Chin-Up

Pull ups-Chin ups | bicep exercises  |

1.) Starting position. Start by grabbing the chin-up bar , your palms facing towards you. Your hands should be wide as parallel to shoulders. If you are not able to grab chin-up bar then you can use any table , box etc.

2.) Remove table. Now step off the box and allow your legs in hanging position. Your elbows should slightly bent and your face should be straight forward.

3.) Glutes and quads. Squeeze your glutes and quads engaging your core. With chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. Your chin remain tucked throughout the movement as it is holding something. Keep this position throughout all repetitions.

4.) Upward movement. Initiate the upward movement by pulling your whole body with upper arms. Continue to pull upward until your chin crosses the chin-up bar.

5.) Hold. Hold for a second at the top of the chin-up bar.

6.) Downward movement. Begin the downward movement by straightening your arms and moving away your chin from the chip-up bar. Slowly lower your body to the starting position. Your arms should be straight with little bend.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of chin-up bar

You all may know that the bodyweight bicep exercises are the best to increase the size of any muscle. The chin-ups is the best to target bicep muscle , not only bicep it also include back , shoulders , tricep muscles. By working muscles like the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and trapezius muscle in your back chin-ups build your upper body strength. It builds strength in your arms and improve your grip strength. It is the best exercise for targeting muscles your arms , specially biceps brachii and the brachialis.

It also activates the brachioradialis muscles in your forearms, which increase grip strength. By increasing strength in chin-ups it can be useful warm-ups for other compound exercises like lat pulldowns, parallel bar push-ups.


You should not perform this exercise if you have shoulder, wrist or elbow injury . Consult your physician before beginning this exercise. Don’t cheat in this exercise , means extend your arms fully when bringing your body down and going from the lowest position. Avoid to return from half. In weighted chin-ups, a person uses plates to increase intensity, but for doing it is always advisable to lift as much your body will allow. People usually bend backward to decrease the motion of the exercise.

Bending your back can cause pain. You may know that the cross-fitters use kip to get more chin-ups in short amount of time. So, it’s a request for you to not perform kip. After you become capable of doing perfectly, then you can perform kipping with safety.

5.) Incline Dumbbell Curl

Pull ups-Chin ups | bicep exercises  |
Pull ups-Chin ups

1.) Get into starting position. First adjust your table 45 to 60 degree incline. Sit on the bench with your back flat against the incline bench. With your abs tight hold the dumbbells by your both sides.

2.) Lift Right arm dumbbell . Keeping your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weight forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your bicep . Continue to raise until the dumbbell is at shoulder level and bicep fully contracted . While lifting with right arm your left arm should be rest in extended position. 

3.) Holding dumbbell. Hold the top contracted position a second by squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Lift Left arm dumbbell .  After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower dumbbell back to the starting position. When your right arm came to its starting position then lift your left arm and lift the dumbbell in same way (as the right arm) . 

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Incline Dumbbell Curl

Incline Dumbbell biceps curl exercise activates the muscles in your bicep more than the other bicep exercises. There is no chance for swinging and no momentum is generated to lift the wight up. While performing this exercise your arms tends to move behind your body, which stretches the long head of the bicep. When stretching before contracting, your muscle is able to contract with more force. This exercise hits every part of the bicep and helps the bicep to make up the mass of bicep peaks. So , incline bicep is an affective exercise for building the biceps peak.


Heavier weight can make your movement unstable and put additional strain on your elbows. Right weights helps in progression and results. Maintain a slight bend in the elbows at the bottom of movement in order to keep tension throughout the biceps. Your elbows should be stable , avoid to bring them forward while curl weight up. Only your forearms should move. You should not perform this exercise if you have shoulder, wrist or elbow injury. Consult your physician before beginning this exercise. Avoid rapid execution at the starting of exercise , make sure you are doing your reps slow and steady that will help you to get bigger bicep size.

6.) Concentration Curl

Dumbbell-Concerntrated-Curl | workouts for bicep |

1.) Get into starting position. For performing concentration curl you need to sit down. You can use any table with which you are comfortable and sit down on it. Sit up straight with your chest up and shoulders back. Position your feet on the floor and spread your knees.

2.) Grab weight in your right hand. Bring the dumbbell you have chosen over the bench. You need to bend your back slightly to be able to perform this exercise. Hold the dumbbell with your right hand and put your elbow inside your right thigh. Now, slowly lower the weight down towards the floor. (Don’t use heavy weight)

3.) Curl upward. After lowering the weight , squeeze with your bicep to lift the weight up. Lift the weight until it reaches the chest level.Keep your upper arm stationary.

4.) Slowly lower down the weight. When you lift the weight as far it will go, slowly and gradually lower it bak to the starting position. Don’t fully extend your arm , there should be little bend.

5.) Repeat. Repeat this process of lifting and lowering the weight until you feel burn in your bicep.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Concentrated curls

The concentration curl is a moderate to high intensity level isolation exercise added to workout program. This exercise activates both heads of the bicep brachii muscle group located on the front of the upper arm. Concentrated curl removes the fat from biceps and increase clarity in muscle. Dumbbells are consider better in full movement of arm because it allows the arm to extend in full motion which stretches bicep. This exercise hits every part of the bicep and helps to make up the mass of bicep peaks. There is less chance of elbow, wrist and shoulder injury.


During concentrated curl avoid to bend to low. You may think you have to get the dumbbell to touch your shoulder for getting better pump (Don’t do that). Curl up only high as you can before you. Strat feel your tricep started losing contact with your thighs. A Probably the most common mistake of barbell curl is swinging and cheating. Keep in mind not to lift to heavier than your capability, as if affects your posture and form and you will not able to activate bicep muscle.

Muscle connection in these typo of biceps exercise is very important. Avoid rushing, as lowering the dumbbell too quickly and upward with same speed. If you curl the dumbbell faster and focus lowering it slow, you will feel the difference.

7.) Hammer Curl

Hammer-Curl | Biceps workout at home |

1.) Get in starting position. Stand up straight while holding Dumbbells with your arms fully extended , slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be face towards your body. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

2.) Lift Right arm dumbbell . Keeping your upper arm stationary, exhale and curl the weight forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your bicep . Continue to raise until the dumbbell is at shoulder level and bicep fully contracted . While lifting with right arm your left arm should be rest in extended position. 

3.) Holding dumbbell up. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Lift Left arm dumbbell .  After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower dumbbell back to the starting position. When your right arm came to its starting position then lift your left arm and lift the dumbbell in same way (as the right arm) . 

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Hammer Curl

If you want bigger biceps then this exercise is best for you because hammer curl work on overall growth of your upper arm. This exercise works the bicep brachii. This muscle is known by the name “vanity muscle” because it is easily visible on the front of the body. You may wonder that how this exercise helps you to increase arm size, because the grip positioning often allows you to lift heavier. As a result, it’s good exercise to build strength in all muscles that bend your elbow. In comparing with traditional biceps curl, hammer curl have a slightly different muscle activation pattern because of neutral grip palms facing towards body.

The hammer curl grip allows you more focus on the short head of the biceps. The elbow flexors are made up of three muscles – brachii, brachioradialis, and brachialis. So, the hammer curls work the elbow flexors – the muscles that bring your shoulders by bending your elbow.


Keep in mind not to lift to heavier than your capability, as if affects your posture and form and you will not able to activate bicep muscle. Heavier weight can make your movement unstable and put additional strain on your elbows and decrease the ability to build strength. Right weights helps in progression and results. Avoid rushing, as lowering the dumbbell too quickly and upward with same speed. If you curl the dumbbell faster and focus lowering it slow, you will feel the difference. Avoid to float the elbows away from the body. Keep the elbows in a stable position and concentrate on moving only lower arm.

8.) EZ-Bar Reverse Curl

Reverse-Barbell-Curl | Biceps workout at home |

1.) Get into starting position. Stand up straight while holding an EZ curl bar at the wide outer hand , slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be facing towards ground or body and slightly outer due to the shape of bar. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

2.) Bringing up the bar. Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your biceps. Continue to raise until the bar is at shoulder level and biceps fully contracted .

3.) Holding the bar up. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Bringing down the bar. After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Fully extend your lower arms to increase strength.

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of EZ-Bar Reverse Curl

Elbow pain is caused by imbalance in the forearm flexors as well as extensors. Elbow joints are very precious for mobility and experiencing pain can prevent your elbows from being able to perform both functional task and workouts. EZ-Bar Reverse Curl helps you to target forearm muscles like (brachialis and brachioradialis). Reverse curl helps you to improve imbalance and overall, decrease pain experienced. This exercise can improved your grip strength. By increasing grip strength exercise you are not only performing in particular exercise but it also helps in other grip exercises like pull-ups or deadlifts. Reverse curl hit the muscles that are responsible in breaking the filers in muscle for overall growth of your bicep.


Keep your back , upper arms and shoulders neutral during the entire movement. You can bend forward as you lower weight and extend back as you lift the weight only when fatigue sets in. keep in mind not to lift to heavier than your capability, as if affects your posture and form and you will not able to activate bicep muscle. Heavier weight can make your movement unstable and put additional strain on your elbows and decrease the ability to build strength. Always start with light weight. Avoid rushing, as lowering the bar too quickly and upward with same speed. If you curl the bar faster and focus lowering it slow, you will feel the difference.

9.) Standing Cable Curl

Standing-Rope-Bicep-Curl | Biceps workout at home |

1.) Get in starting position. Stand up straight while holding a cable curl bar that is attached to a low pulley, slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be facing upward.

2.) Grab the cable bar. Keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contacting the biceps. Focus only on your biceps. Continue to raise until the bar is at shoulder level and biceps fully contracted .

3.) Holding the bar up. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Bringing down the cable bar. After holding up for a second , inhale and slowly lower the cable bar back to the starting position. Fully extend your lower arms to increase strength.

5.) Repeat. Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of standing cable bar

The cable bar is more comfortable than other bars, you can lift heavy weight with this bar without injury. By using this bar your wrist and forearms are in more neutral position. With cable bar , biceps activation is 100% if you use proper form. It could targets all your bicep muscles, other muscles are involved including brachialis and brachioradialis which also cross your elbow and help your biceps to flex your elbow. You get better balance when the bar is loaded with weight other than the other bar. But using cable curl bar gives your wrists a break while still giving you the benefits of working your biceps harder.


It is very important to perform all any exercise with proper form. Be sure to keep the body in neutral alignment and perform the cable-bar curl with full range of motion to get better results. However, restricting the range of motion does not provide tension under stretch , so start with fully extended arm and curl with no elbow movement. Probably the most common mistake of barbell curl is swinging and cheating. Using swinging and momentum you will be able to lift the weight but will not activates the biceps. Use only bicep to lift the barbell without back and hip movement. Avoid rushing, as lowering the bar too quickly and upward with same speed.

10.) Facing-Away Cable Curl

Cable-Facing-Away-Curl | Bicep exercises with dumbbells |

1.) Get into starting position. Stand up straight while holding a single hand attachment to a low pulley, slightly wider than the shoulders, with chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together. The palms of you hands should be facing forward.

2.) Grasp the handle. Grasp the handle with one hand, facing away from the cable machine. Take a step forward and let the arm stretch back behind your body. Curl the handle towards your shoulder by flexing at the elbow.

3.) Hold. Hold the top contracted position a second squeeze the biceps hard .

4.) Bringing down the handle. After holding at top position, lower the weight slowly with control to the starting position. 

5.) Repeat. Repeat this movement for the desired amount of repetitions.

Sets: 2–3
Reps: 8–15
Rest: 60 seconds between each set

Benefits of Facing-Away Cable Curl

Facing away cable bicep curl is very effective exercise because in this bicep exercise you grasp the handle from back side with more force, which helps increase strength in your forearms and upper arms. Your arms tends to move behind your body while performing this exercise, which stretches the long head of bicep. That’s why you are able to contact with more force. This exercise hits every part of bicep from front side and helps the bicep to make up the mass of bicep peaks. So , If you want peak bicep then add this exercise to your workout schedule.


There are more chances of elbow and shoulder injuries because you have to grasp the handle from your back side with more force. Maintain a slight bend in the elbows at the bottom of movement in order to keep tension throughout the biceps. Your elbows should be stable , avoid to bring them forward while curl weight up. Only your forearms should move. Be sure to keep the body in neutral alignment . You should not perform this exercise if you have shoulder, wrist or elbow injury . Consult your physician before beginning this exercise. Avoid rapid execution at the starting of exercise , make sure you are doing your reps slow and steady that will help you to get bigger bicep size .

Here are some questions people usually search for :

Q.) What are the best bicep exercises ?

EZ-bar curl , Dumbbell Biceps Curl , Preacher Curl , Chin-Up , Incline Dumbbell Curl , Concentration Curl , Hammer Curl , EZ-Bar Reverse Curl , Standing Cable Curl , Facing-Away Cable Curl.

Q.) Are biceps hard to grow ?

In order to grow bigger bicep, people usually perform more reps with light weight , more weight with less reps and some people over train them. But they don’t get the desire results, because only training your bicep is not important, your diet and proper technique should be added to get bigger bicep size. It takes body to develop new muscle tissue in early stages of training. After an average of 5-6 months you will experience gain in muscles. To increase bicep size, just follow the exercises explain in this blog.

Q.) Is 5 reps enough for biceps ?

Your biceps should be trained with at least 8 sets per week with rep range 5-20 for best strength and proper muscle development.

Q.) Should I lift heavy for biceps?

The answer is NO, because your bicep will not grow until you are not performing the biceps exercise with proper form, with full range of motion slow and steady. Lift weight according to your capacity and avoid swinging and jerking throughout bicep workout. As your body adapt new movements and become stronger, you won’t feel soreness afterwards.

Q.) Can I train biceps everyday?

Yes, you can train your biceps everyday. But, the recommendation is to do bicep workouts at least three times because your muscles needs to be recover for next hit.

To get thicker biceps :

. Hammer curl ( Sets2–3 , Reps: 8–15 , Rest: 60 seconds between each set ).

. Incline dumbbell curl ( Sets2–3 , Reps: 8–15 , Rest: 60 seconds between each set ).

. Facing-Away Cable Curl ( Sets2–3 , Reps: 8–15 , Rest: 60 seconds between each set ).

Q.) How I do target all my biceps?

Dumbbells and body weight trainings are best to target all biceps. Try to perform each exercise with dumbbells rather than machines because using machines you get push ( means help ) which don’t target your muscle properly. But while using dumbbells whole weight is loaded on targeted muscle. Bicep curls can help maximize bicep size.

Here are some exercise which targets whole biceps :

. Ez – bar curl

. Dumbbell biceps curl

. Preacher curl

. Chin-ups

. Incline dumbbell curl

Q.) Do pushups help biceps?

Pushups are very beneficial for upper body strength especially chest, triceps, shoulders, biceps and back muscles. Pushups is an great exercise which makes your arms more stronger.

Q.) Why do arms grow slow ?

If your arms growing slow, don’t worry. You are not the only one, It happens with all people because tricep and biceps are the small muscle groups as compared to other muscle of your body. So, they take more time to grow.

Q.) What should I eat to grow biceps?

You have need to consume high protein diet, for muscle Gain :

Before Gym :  2 Bananas

After Workout : Whey Protein 1 Scoop, 5 Egg whites , 1 Full egg, Apple ( 200gm ), Oats ( 200gm ).

Snack- 1 : Cup Yogurt ( 200gm ), 20 Almonds

Lunch : Green Vegetables, 200 gm chicken OR Egg whites, 200gm brown rice, 1,2 (Glass Water)

Dinner : 200gm Soya chunks, Broccoli, Palak 200gm, 20 Almonds, Water 1 Cup

Q.) How big your biceps naturally gets ?

Average size of bicep is 12-14, Sign your muscles are growing 14-16 inch ( good bicep size ) ,  16–17 inch upper arm as a natural bodybuilder with proper form, exercise and diet. 20 inch muscular un-pumped is rare.

Q.) Do slow reps build muscle?

Slow reps helps your muscle to remain under tension for long time, much more than fast reps. Slow reps helps to increase muscle mass, while high reps with low weight increases muscle endurance.

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