An apple is an important source of all nutrients needed by our body including potassium, iron, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. It contains no fat, sodium, or cholesterol and also low in calories.
One medium size apple approx (190 grams) contains the following nutrients:
- 99 calories
- 26.24 grams of carbohydrates
- 3 grams of dietary fiber
- 0.49 gram of protein
- 0.32 grams of fat
- 10% of the recommended daily value (DV) for vitamin C
- 4% of the DV for potassium
Apples also contain small amounts of other essential nutrients, such as B vitamins, iron, and calcium. They play a good role of antioxidants, which are compounds that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Body’s cells can be affected by free radicals which are also know as unstable molecules and are lead to be a factor in the development of some diseases. Apples also contain a small amount of fat and protein. The skin of apple contains a particularly high amount of antioxidants so, it is best to eat apple with the skin.
Nutritional Facts About Apple
- Potassium – An important mineral that helps to regulate fluid balance in the body and plays an important role in muscle contraction. It is also necessary for proper functioning of heart.
- Protein – Protein is very important nutrient for our body. It is an macronutrient that is needed for building and repairing new tissues in the body. It is also necessary for the production of enzymes, hormones, and other molecules that play important roles in the body.
- Vitamin C – It is an essential nutrient that helps support the immune system. It helps to keep skin young and healthy, by producing collagen. It acts as an aid in the healing of wounds by preparing and regenerating new tissues.
- Dietary fibre – A Soluble fibre that help to maintain the blood sugar levels, with absorption of sugar in the bloodstream. It may also help to maintain lower cholesterol levels and for proper regulation of blood sugar levels.
- Calcium – It is necessary for proper functioning of muscles. During bleeding it helps to form blood cloth for stop bleeding. Also, this mineral is essential for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
- Iron – It helps to support the activity of white blood cells, which help to fight off the infection. This mineral plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, further which transport oxygen throughout the body.
- B vitamins : This mineral is known as the group of water-soluble vitamins that are important for energy metabolism, brain function, and the production of red blood cells.
Health Benefits of Apples
There are innumerable health benefits of apples, from weight loss to cancer prevention.
Helps in weight loss
Apples have high fiber and low calories index.
They can be a nutritious and can helps a lot when added in a weight loss diet or when consumed in moderation as part of an overall healthy eating plan. The filers in them can help to you feel full, which may lead to eating less overall.
Cancer prevention
Some studies shows that eating apples may be associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer.
Apples contain antioxidants and other compounds that may help to protect against cellular damage, which can lead to the development of cancer.
This antioxidants in apples may help protect against other types of cancer too, including breast and colon cancer.
Heart health
Apples are packed with important nutrients that plays an great role for heart health in several ways.
It contains fiber which can help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, both of which are important for heart health.
Apples also contain antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, it contain vitamin C, which helps in maintaining the functioning of blood vessels.
Diabetes management
For people with diabetes apples are considered to be a good choice to include in their diet.
There are two types of fibers in apple, soluble and insoluble. These fiber in apples may help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Due to a low glycemic index , Apples absorbed into a bloodstream at a slower rate and do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.
However, it is important for people with diabetes to be aware of quantity while eating apples, as well as to calculate the total carbohydrate content of their meals and snacks.
Gut health
Apples may be beneficial for gut health, due to high fiber content
Fiber in apples is a type of carbohydrates that cannot digest and it passes through the system unchanged.
The fiber in apples can help promote regular bowel movements and improve the health of the digestive system. In addition, apples contain other some types of fiber, such as pectin, which is found in apples, which may help to promote the growth of a healthy microbiome by feeding the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut.
Brain health
Due to the presence of many nutrients in the fruit, apples have the necessary brain health benefits.
Apples contain compounds like quercetin, a flavonoid that may help protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Apples are also a good source of vitamin C, which is important for brain health.
As with any food, it’s important to consume apples as part of an overall healthy and balanced diet.
Potential downsides to eating apples
- Allergies: Apples may be sensitive for some people because of certain chemicals such as salicylates or histamines that are found in apple or may be allergic to apple, although it is not very common. This allergy may include symptoms like swelling of throat, lips and tongue, as well as respiratory symptoms, such as coughing or difficulty breathing etc. Some allergies are serious which requires immediate medical treatment. If you have found allergy by eating apples, then stop eating apple and other products containing apple. You may be also allergic to other fruits and vegetables, like plums, cherries and pears.
- Pesticides: Pesticides are the chemical that are used to kill pests, such as weeds, fungi and insects. Some apples may be treated with these pesticides in order to kill these pests during growing process. Follow these tips for your safety, choose an organic apple or wash it properly and peel the surface of the fruit in order to remove any residue. Proper storage and handling of apples can help reduce the risk of contamination from pesticides and other harmful contaminants.
- Interactions with medications: Taking medicine after eating apples are generally safe, as there are no known drug interactions between most medicine and apples. But apples contain a small amount of chemical called queecetine, so in some cases there are chance of interaction of medications with apples.
- Serving size: Be aware of portion size of apple whenever you are going to eat apples, because apples contain sugar and calories which are not good for your health. Keep in mind to count calories and sugar you are taking through an apple, an average size apple ( 190 gm ) contains about 99 calories and 26.24 carbohydrates which is a good portion size for most of the peoples. Apples are very beneficial, if eat with proper portion size.
Ensure apples freshness and safety
- For keeping the freshness of apples store them in the refrigerators, because the ripening process under cold temperature slows down.
- Be sure to remove any pesticides, contaminants and dirt present on the surface of apple, by washing them under running water.
- Damaged or bruised apples blemish very fast and may harbour bacteria, so its very important to discard these type of apples.
- Apples may absorb strong smell of foods, so its very important to store them away from these types of food in order to keep your apples fresh.
Prepare apples as meals
- You can eat raw apple, that’s the common method to eat an apple. Just wash it properly and cut Ito slices ad eat it.
- Try to eat dry apple, just cut an apple into thinly slices and place in the oven for dehydrating them.
- You can drink apple juice, it’s the best way to consume an apple. For this just cut apple into slices and blend it in juice mixture or you can add little bit of salt according to your need.
- Have you ever tried baked apple? Let’s make it, for this cut apple into slices and bake them with little bit of butter, cinnamon and sugar.
- In oat meal, you can add apple in your oat meal. Take 100 gm of oats, 10 almonds, 1 chopped apple and add 50-100ml of mild in a bowl. Mix them all and just enjoy the meal.
- You can make apple sauce by cooking them with little bit of water until apple become soft, then pureeing them.
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